The Decline of Apple

From the less sales on the iPhone XS and Xs Max, from the government shutdown, and to the high prices of the new iPhone, Apple stocks are declining! Apple used to be a trillion dollars before- but when 2018 came to an end, Apple stocks dropped significantly! Now the biggest 44mm Max, Tim Cook, has all to say about this hardship through this company, so let’s get into it!

First off, the stock for the first quarter of 2019 closed on the 29th of December, just last month. The stock market appeared to be a sharp decline, in which Tim Cook wrote in his open letter which states,  “We should see our revenue lower than what we originally expected in the guidance of the first quarter, but all other items are remaining broadly in a normal manner within our guidance.” This is significant because the revenue plays a role in maintaining Apple’s stock at its vicinity. Cook also mentions that “There’s weaknesses throughout certain emerging markets and economies, which contributed to a significantly greater impact than what we predicted....... This caused less iPhone upgrades than what we anticipated.” This implies that the high prices in the internals of iPhone and the expensive prices caused revenue of the iPhone to be much more contrary than what the Apple services and other Apple products gained in reception. Cook considers that “The lower iPhone revenue is mostly the weakest in greater China, when rapid deterioration of iPhone revenue is caused by less iPhone upgrades.”

Secondly, the only positive parts came in for the stuff outside the iPhone. Cook said “These items are going broadly in line as what we expected, with no significant impact. Revenue outside the iPhone grew 19% year after year, and the revenue for Apple Watch and Mac hits an all time record. They’ve been growing 50% every year as well! All of these services contributed in making $10.8 billion in revenue.” This is significant because Apple Watch sales are more than other smart watches, and these revenue are running smoothly as it should be.

To give this story an end, Apple stock market has been reducing revenue since 2 January, and its main causes were the low iPhone sales and the greater China’s rapidly deteriorating stock market. Apple should make iPhones more affordable so more people can afford them and inflate the revenue a whole lot. We need Apple to make iPhones great but make it more interesting to everyone.

Works Cited
An Open Letter to Apple investors, by Tim Cook. Published on 2, January 2018.


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