Ghost Touch on the iPhone

One day, you unlocked your iPhone in the morning. Then all of a sudden, one of your iPhone apps opened by itself. Then you scratch your head and thought the iPhone played a trick on you. Then you called Apple Support and the AppleCare advisor told you that you need a screen replacement. Now let’s discover the methodology of the ghost touch on the iPhone.

Ghost Touch happens when your iPhone gets a registered tap onto its screen, but there isn’t anything touching the screen. This is a common issue with the iPhone 6s, 7 and the iPhone X. Most of the causes are from a dirty iPhone screen, or a rupture in the display module component(s).

The methods to solve the problem with Ghost Touch is by cleaning your iPhone’s screen, a partial replacement of the iPhone screen components, or an entire screen replacement. You can use a lens cloth and a bit of water to clean the screen. But if it’s a hardware issue, then you better get the Apple Genius for further help. This can be done by scheduling an appointment at your local Apple Store via the Apple Support app or in-person with a Specialist. The screen repair is free of charge, but if you paid for this following procedure for your iPhone prior to November 2018, you should contact Apple for reimbursement.

Now you know why the iPhone is opening apps out of nowhere. It’s the Ghost Touch that’s spooking you out. Take your iPhone to the Genius Bar and get the screen replaced!


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